Leah Thomas

Fashion Designer & Content Creator

“I had come up with a few ideas, few names, nothing was really like ‘Ooh that’s the one’. Jaleesa presented me with all of these different strategies. It was important that my brand name was reflective of who I am and things that I love. After going through the strategies, it completely blew me away that we came up with a name on the call. I couldn’t believe it.”

Sierra McCown

Brand & Marketing Agency

“I was definitely saddened and a little bit nervous [about rebranding] because we were quickly approaching our 3-year anniversary. But after the Brand Name Consultation that only lasted about an hour, we were able to come up with not only a new brand name, but I have a new found confidence in my business. And that’s wild to even think about, but she really just helped me get to the root of what my business is about. Now I feel even more passionate about my business than before.”

Sasha Yates

Fashion Designer

“She had all of these really cool techniques of making a name that was solid and unique and a name that really identified with my brand.”

Leah Thomas

Fashion Designer & Content Creator

“I had come up with a few ideas, few names, nothing was really like ‘Ooh that’s the one’. Jaleesa presented me with all of these different strategies. It was important that my brand name was reflective of who I am and things that I love. After going through the strategies, it completely blew me away that we came up with a name on the call. I couldn’t believe it.”

Sierra McCown

Brand & Marketing Agency

“I was definitely saddened and a little bit nervous [about rebranding] because we were quickly approaching our 3-year anniversary. But after the Brand Name Consultation that only lasted about an hour, we were able to come up with not only a new brand name, but I have a new found confidence in my business. And that’s wild to even think about, but she really just helped me get to the root of what my business is about. Now I feel even more passionate about my business than before.”

Sasha Yates

Fashion Designer

“She had all of these really cool techniques of making a name that was solid and unique and a name that really identified with my brand.”