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Introducing Our Trademark Wall Of Fame

Introducing Our Trademark Wall Of Fame

Since opening this Firm, I've dreamed of having an office space where I can proudly put our accomplishments on display. Like a parent sticking their child's artwork on the fridge. Or a trophy cabinet. And I thought this was a dream delayed due to the fact we're a...

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Don’t Name Your Business After Yourself

Don’t Name Your Business After Yourself

I hear it SO often. You wouldn’t believe the amount of times that I speak with entrepreneurs who unknowingly have named their business after themselves without understanding the legal ramifications of doing so. And I can’t fault them from not knowing. There’s just not...

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“Buy Now, Pay Later” Legal Services

“Buy Now, Pay Later” Legal Services

One of the biggest concerns for entrepreneurs is finances. And we get it. Money or lack thereof is the cause of so many business problems. Money can be the deciding factor between being proactive or procrastinating and praying for the best. 👀 That’s why our Firm is...

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How To Build A Strong Business Name

How To Build A Strong Business Name

There’s a “science” behind business names that most entrepreneurs, brand experts, and business coaches ignore! And that’s trademark law. Seriously! Let me ask you this: When you’re starting a new business or brainstorming a new product, course, or event, what’s one of...

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