Business - JNJ Legal Trademark & Business Law Firm Wed, 31 May 2023 00:33:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business - JNJ Legal 32 32 187444972 7 Costly Contract Mistakes To Avoid for Business Success Wed, 31 May 2023 00:33:21 +0000

I like to say that, “America runs on contracts”! A little spoof of Dunkin’s popular slogan lol…

But it’s true. Contracts are an essential part of every business transaction! That’s why it’s so crucial to draft a contract that accurately reflects the intentions of the parties involved and accounts for every possible problem we can think of. And as you can imagine, doing so is no easy feat!

Contract drafting is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail and legal knowledge. Even minor errors or omissions in a contract can have serious consequences, including disputes, litigation, and financial loss for a client.

So in today’s blog post, we will discuss 7 most common and costly mistakes to avoid when drafting a contract.

7 Common Costly Mistakes to Avoid

Mistake #1: Failing to Define the Parties and the Purpose of the Contract

One of the most fundamental aspects of a contract is to identify the parties involved AND the purpose of the agreement. Without a clear definition of who the parties are and what the contract is intended to achieve, the contract is likely to be unenforceable.

My first step whenever I sit down to draft a contract is to fact-check and research  the parties. It is essential that I clearly identify the parties, including their legal names, addresses, and current contact information, to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

And to ensure proper due diligence, you should not only identify the parties, but also check whether each business is in active compliance/status with their state.

If a company fails to renew their entity’s registration status for a certain period of time, many states will administratively dissolve the company! This would mean that you’re essentially entering into an agreement with a company that no longer exists. This mistake could have been easily avoided with a bit of research on the state-appropriate company registry or even with a request for compliance documents to the other party! 

My next step after party identification is to draft the purpose of the contract. In the preamble of each contract, the purpose should be clearly defined, including the goods or services being exchanged, the timeline for performance, and any other relevant terms. This information should be provided in clear and concise language to ensure that all parties understand their obligations and expectations at the onset.

Mistake #2: Failing to Define Key Terms and Concepts

Another common mistake in contract drafting is failing to define key terms and concepts used in the agreement. This mistake can lead to misunderstandings and costly disputes later down the road.

Key terms may vary depending on the type of contract, but I often tend to include definitions for IP terms, such as, “Intellectual Property Rights”, “Trademarks”, “Trade Secrets”, as well as, general terms, like “specifications”, “goods,” and “payment”. These terms should be defined in clear and precise language, leaving no room for interpretation. Of course, with something as important as your trademark, for example, you want to have that clearly defined and protected in writing.

These terms or concepts should be defined early in your contract, preferably the first section after your preamble, to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of their meaning.

Failure to define key terms can result in confusion and disagreements that could have been avoided by providing clear definitions at the onset.

Mistake #3: Failing to Include Appropriate Warranties and Representations

Warranties and representations are critical components of many contracts, particularly those involving the sale of goods or services.

These provisions set out the expectations and promises made by the parties regarding the quality, performance, or other attributes of the goods or services being exchanged.

It is essential to include appropriate warranties and representations in the contract, including any express or implied warranties required by law. Failure to do so could leave one or both parties vulnerable to legal action in the event of a dispute.

For example, if you are working with a graphic designer to design your logo, you would want to have a warranties and representations clause, stating that the work they’ve provided you is (1) solely original, not belonging to anyone else, (2) not to be repurposed for anyone else, and (3) a possible “indemnification” for any third party infringement suits that may arise from this work. This would be the case if the graphic designer has provided you with a logo that infringes on another user’s trademark rights. Should the infringed party seek monetary relief, the graphic designer is accepting fault and would be on the hook, not you.

Mistake #4: Failing to Consider Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This mistake is relatively straight forward, but surprisingly, commonly missed in contracts.

Contracts are subject to specific laws and regulations depending on the jurisdiction in which they are signed. Failing to properly consider the governing law and jurisdiction could result in a contract being unenforceable or subject to legal challenges. The applicable law and jurisdiction should be clearly stated within the agreement.

Many parties prefer for the governing law and jurisdiction to be the state in which they reside or operate their business. This ensures that should a dispute arise, they won’t have to spend additional money on travel expenses to appear in court. However, whether that state is truly the most advantageous for their business dealing depends on the state law itself. An attorney can help you decide the appropriate jurisdiction and setting for any potential disputes.

Mistake #5: Failing to Address Termination and Renewal

Good contracts should include clear and concise provisions outlining the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated and the process for renewing the contract if both parties wish to continue working together.

Typically, termination clauses consider factors like “inability to pay”, “impossibility of performance”, “mistake, fraud or misrepresentation”, “breach of contract”, and “end date/date of completion”. However, depending on the type of contract and business strategy, this section of the contract may vary drastically in language!

For this reason, we always ask our clients to discuss the frustrations and issues they are currently facing in business before we begin drafting any contract. Hearing their concerns allows us to to draft a contract that takes into account and/or prohibits some of the bad actions and problems our clients are hoping to avoid. Their concerns are then expressly prohibited in a termination and renewal clause alongside some tough consequences for the signing party.

For example, if your company is hiring an employee, you may want to list specific misconduct or violations that can lead to termination of an employee, like lateness, unsatisfactory performance, sick leave, etc.

If you’re hiring an Influencer or Ambassador, this section may explicitly define examples of misconduct and behavior that can potentially harm the company’s image/reputation should the influencer engage in them, as well as, place restrictions on the ambassador’s future business deals. Disney would not want Halle Bailey (the “Little Mermaid”) or any of their child actors to start an “Only Fans” or post explicitly sexual photos. Louis Vuitton wouldn’t want their ambassadors to wear Gucci in photos or media campaigns for a set period of time.

Or if you’re collaborating with another company, maybe the termination clause focuses on end date/date of completion because you only plan to authorize use of your Intellectual Property for one specific collaboration. Or maybe your deal is not defined by one collaboration, but instead a license to use your IP for a limited period of time.

Thus, a clear and concise termination and renewal clause will ensure that all parties understand their obligations and the consequences of failing to comply with the terms of the agreement. Failing to address both could leave one or both parties vulnerable to unexpected changes in the agreement and/or potential financial loss.

Mistake #6: Failing to Address Dispute Resolution

Although we hate for this to happen, realistically, disputes are common in business transactions. So, failure to address dispute resolution in the contract is not only a big mistake, but can lead to costly legal battles.

Though the strategy of resoltuion may vary, your contract should include provisions that clearly outline the process for resolving disputes, including timelines, selection of a mediator or arbitrator if preferred, governing law and choice of venue for litigation, and any other relevant details to aid in the resolution of a conflict.

Mistake #7: Failing to Consider Future, Changes, and Amendments

The last contract drafting mistake and probably the most costly is a failure to consider the future.

Building upon Mistake #6, contracts should be drafted with the future in mind. And this is a skill that licensed attorneys have been drilled and trained to recognize and apply.

When drafting a contract, attorneys are constantly going through “What if…” scenarios in our minds and drafting language that will solve an issue that hasn’t even happened. A licensed attorney is essentially a trained overthinker. We prepare for the worst case scenario.

So, failing to consider potential issues, changes or amendments to the agreement could leave one or both parties vulnerable to unexpected changes in the relationship or financial loss.

It is important to predict problems that haven’t occurred, as well as, include provisions for amending the contract in the future, including the process for making changes, the parties authorized to make changes, and any other relevant details or worst case scenarios. This will ensure that the agreement remains relevant and enforceable over time.


In conclusion, contract drafting is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail and legal knowledge. By avoiding these common mistakes, businesses can reduce their legal risks and maintain positive business relationships with their partners and clients. And failing to avoid these common mistakes could have serious consequences, including disputes, litigation, and financial loss.

Moreover, unlike the contracts you may find online, working with an attorney will ensure that your contracts are accurate, enforceable, and above all, actually protective of your interests. It’s always better to have a contract suited to your specific needs and painpoints rather than a standard/generic template that can’t speak to the actual intention of the parties, fails to include industry-specific terms, leaves no representations, fails to consider governing law, termination, dispute resolution, and the future.

Don’t overlook the importance of properly attorney-drafted contracts for your business success. Take the necessary steps to protect your interests and business deals! It can make a big difference in the long-term success of your business.

Let’s talk contract drafting or have us review that outdated contract. Book your legal solution today!

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USPTO Quietly Plans to Raise Trademark Prices Thu, 11 May 2023 09:15:22 +0000

On May 9th, we learned that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has VERY quietly released a proposal to increase their fees.

The price is going up!

We shared this news with our newsletter first. So you should sign up here!

This price change is estimated to go into effect in November 2024, but it wasn’t too long ago that the USPTO increased some of their fees in 2021, after COVID left them severely backed-up.

Now, not only are they planning to increase the cost of items/services AGAIN, but they also plan to charge for items that have never incurred an additional fee before! Increased fees exist for almost everything ranging from $50 to $200+. Under this new proposal, a trademark application for 1 mark/class, currently $250, will start at $350 with additional fees for simple customizations.

Bottom line: They are literally brainstorming “creative” ways to make you spend MORE money.

They say that this price change is all in an effort to improve processing times, recover Office costs, and enhance the quality of incoming applications. And they conveniently failed to mention that this may also be an attempt to combat the HOARDS of fraudulent Chinese applications left uncheck for YEARS that are slowing down the Office.

But still, we hate to see that this is their proposed solution.

It seems that once again, they’ve determined that the easy fix to their backlog is to raise the bar to entry. Decrease public access to trademark registration by increasing the financial commitment of new trademark applicants.

And though increased costs would very likely discourage unserious entrepreneurs from filing trademarks, unfortunately, many SERIOUS business owners will be penalized, as well. Especially small business owners with big dreams and real hustle. They’re going to be the ones to feel the financial strain AND the pressure to self-file and risk making a careless mistake.

Over 60% of trademark applications filed are initially rejected.

These odds decrease with an attorney. These DIYers, hoping to save money, in fact stand to lose funds AND time spent if they (1) don’t have an attorney-provided search report, and (2) make errors too serious for an attorney to later come in and correct.

More improperly drafted applications and uninformed applicants won’t “improve the quality of incoming applications” nor processing time. The USPTO will just collect their money, and the DIYers will be without a trademark certificate.

So if you’ve been procrastinating on protecting your brand, this is a sign to get serious about it. Decide whether your brand name, logo, slogan, and/or other brand assets are worth protecting!

You don’t want to deal with these upcoming fees nor the eventual influx of applications before the fee increase.

And if you think your brand is worthy of protection, let’s get started on your trademark journey immediately! 

Put some (R)espect on your name!

POP QUIZ: Take our Brand Name Quiz

Find out whether your brand, product, course, or event name is ready for trademark registration! Take our quiz below.

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LLCs vs Trademarks: Protecting Your Business In The Modern World Tue, 02 May 2023 09:00:31 +0000

If you’re starting a business or launching a product/service, you’ve probably heard of both LLCs and trademarks. Both of these terms are essential for any business owner to understand, but they serve entirely different purposes! In today’s post, we’ll break down the differences between LLCs and trademarks and explain why your business probably needs both!

What is an LLC?

LLC stands for “Limited Liability Company”. It is a type of business entity that separates and protects a business owner’s personal assets from that of the business’s liabilities.

An LLC has its own tax ID number (EIN), can own assets, can enter into contracts, and can sue or be sued. As such, registering an LLC simply signifies that you are operating “X Business Name within X state”. This along with your EIN helps the IRS identify your business come tax season.

So in simple terms, your LLC’s name could be your trade name, i.e. the name your business is commonly known as or the name you use when advertising or doing business (DBA – “doing business as”). (And your trade name may even be the same as your trademark if you choose to register your brand name).

One of the main advantages of forming an LLC is that it provides personal liability protection. This means that if the business is sued or owes debts, the members’ personal assets, such as their homes or cars, are protected. Another major advantage of an LLC is that it offers flexibility in how your business is managed and taxed.

However, a disadvantage — or, a very popular misconception among new entrepreneurs — is that registering your LLC prohibits others from using your LLC name aka trade name. That is completely false.

Two or more businesses can share the same name as long as they operate within different states. The purpose of an LLC is not to prevent others from using your business name; it is just intended to identify the name and state of your business’ operations.

What is a Trademark?

A federally registered trademark, on the other hand, is a symbol, word, or phrase that identifies and distinguishes a product or service from others across the country.

The purpose of a trademark is to protect a company’s brand identity and prevent other businesses from using your exact and/or a similar mark (brand name, logo, slogan, or other source-identifying mark) that could cause confusion among customers.

Though both LLCs and trademarks —specifically a brand name trademark — have a “name” component to them, trademark registration is what protects your business’ money-makers, making it the most valuable business asset you can own

Once a trademark is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the owner has exclusive rights to use it in connection with the products or services it represents. For a full list of all the benefits granted through trademark registration, check out this blog post.

And we’ve created a simple Venn Diagram to help you remember:

Difference Between LLC and Trademark

So now that we’ve defined LLCs and trademarks, let’s explore the differences between them.

Legal Entity vs. Intellectual Property

We alluded to this before, but a major difference between these two terms lies in the fact that one is a legal entity and the other an intangible property.

I like to say that your LLC is how the state recognizes your business, but your trademark is how the country (and the world) identifies your brand.

By forming an LLC, the IRS knows that you are operating X Business Name within X state. However, by registering your trademark, the entire country is put on notice that X Business Name — or any other other mark — belongs to this source and prohibits anyone from using anything identical and/or remotely similar to X Business Name in your exact and/or similar industry.

Ownership and Liability

Another significant difference between an LLC and a trademark is ownership and liability.

An LLC is a business entity owned by one or more members, whereas a trademark is an intellectual property right owned by an individual, multiple individuals, or a company, like an LLC.

And in fact, many prefer that their LLC own their own trademark(s) rather than to file them as an individual(s), making them subject to their own personal financial situation.

Moreover, remember: LLCs offer personal liability protection to the members, whereas trademarks do not.

Registering your trademark offers an entirely different type of protection, specifically “brand protection”, as it mimimizes customer confusion, distinguishes your brand from copycats, and ultimately upholds your business’ reputation by preventing identical and/or similar marks from entering in the marketplace.

Registration Process & Costs Associated

Lastly, the process and costs of registering an LLC versus registering a trademark couldn’t be any more different!

To form an LLC, you must file an articles of organization within the state the business will operate and pay a fee that varies from state to state.

In New York, for example, the state filing fee is $200 with a biennial renewal fee of $9. Notwithstanding the 6-week Publication requirement for New York LLC’s, that many DIY entrepreneurs unknowingly skip, the process is relatively straight-forward and less time-consuming.

Registering a trademark, on the other hand, is a lot more complex and more expensive!

Currently, due to COVID-19, trademark registrations take an estimated 12-18 months to complete compared to the previous 6-9 months timeline. And it takes a minimum of 9 months before your application is even reviewed by an Examiner compared to the previous 3-month wait! With more time on their hands, so many entrepreneurs began to take their brands more seriously, including filing trademark applications. Now, the USPTO is severely backed up.

This means that if you choose to work with an attorney, you will likely be working on this project for over a year. 

Furthermore, the process of registering a trademark also involves more steps when working with a licensed trademark attorney. We perform a comprehensive trademark search, review the results and provide you with our legal analysis in the form of an Opinion Letter, research and collect information needed for your application, draft and file your trademark application, monitor for conflicting marks, respond to potential Office Actions issued by an Examiner, and conduct other ancillary services. 

Due to the amount of research and time dedicated to a single trademark application, registering a trademark is more expensive than forming an LLC. The cost of an application alone ranges from $250 to $350 per mark/class.

Final Thoughts

In summary, an LLC and trademark are two essential concepts that every business owner should understand and likely own. They serve entirely different purposes! 

And so, deciding whether to form an LLC or register a trademark depends on the business’s needs and goals. If personal liability protection is a concern, forming an LLC may be the right choice. If protecting a brand’s identity and preventing other businesses from using a similar mark is the priority, registering a trademark is necessary. And we venture to think that both will be important to new entrepreneurs.

Our Firm can provide you with valuable guidance in setting your business up as an LLC or with registering a trademark. Book a Discovery Call or Trademark Discovery Call for your legal solution!

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ChatGPT vs Attorney: Why ChatGPT Will Not Replace Hiring an Attorney Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:00:21 +0000

Right now there’s a lot of buzz and debate surrounding all of the new AI (artificial intelligence) tools and technology like ChatGPT, Jasper, and more of the like. While many are excited at the possibilities of this new technology, others have expressed concern over the potential risks to their career. Just the other day, I came across a tweet stating that lawyers, accountants, and consultants should be worried about their jobs.

Despite my objection to this tweet, personally, I’m a fan of AI!

For simple administrative tasks, like drafting an email, blog/newsletter topics, content ideas, even writing a blog post, ChatGPT has been the little personal assistant a solopreneur like myself needs. And I’m sure other solopreneurs and teams can relate! That quick rough draft saves so much mental energy! Revise, add, reform into your own voice and you’re good to go.

And it’s even provided me with ideas on how I can improve different areas of my practice. Sort of like what you would find in Google search, but just compiled into easy digestible bites. I love that I can ask my questions conversationally and allow this tool to refine/expand on an idea or redirect/substitute an idea for another.

For tasks like these, ChatGPT is perfect. A life savior for the hustling entrepreneur!

However, as impressive as ChatGPT and other AI are, at the end of the day, they’re just tools.

It should go without saying that ChatGPT can not replace the sophisticated thought process, analysis, and human element of a trained attorney. To even think that would be to erroneously believe that the only thing an attorney does is file paperwork, draft legal documents, and spit out facts to legal cases.

And of course, this complexity applies to any professional in a consulting position! But today’s blog post will share some of the reasons why ChatGPT cannot replace the help of an attorney:

Why ChatGPT can’t replace the help of an attorney

1. Lack of Factual Accuracy & Limited Knowledge

Currently, at the bottom of the ChatGPT screen reads the following disclaimer:

ChatGPT Mar 23 Version. Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.”

And the home screen also states ChatGPT limitations, that is, (1) it “may occasionally generate incorrect information”; (2) “may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content”; and (3) has “limited knowledge of world and events after 2021”.

And therein lies the major criticism among attorneys. Many attorneys have realized that while playing with this tool, that it has produced inaccurate information, including erroneous facts of cases, erroneous conclusions of cases, and even completely fabricating cases that do not exist. In their FAQs, ChatGPT admits that it will occasionally make up facts or ‘hallucinate’ outputs”. And as it states, it has limited knowledge after 2021 so it is not up to date on recent legal developments and cases either.

Attorneys are required by license to keep up with changes in our field and the profession as a whole, as well as, attend classes called CLEs (Continuing Legal Education) that supplement this education. Learning for us doesn’t end after school is over.

So, relying on ChatGPT for legal facts and advice is just ill-advised.

It would take a legally-trained mind to spot what’s right vs. what’s wrong. Because even when put to the test, ChatGPT has doubled down on the inaccuracies and misinformation rather than correct itself using educated users’ input.

2. Lack of Legal Expertise & Life Experience

While ChatGPT is an intelligent machine, it is by no means a legal expert. It can provide some answers to general legal questions, much like Google can, but it cannot give you legal advice.

Contrary to what many may think, the job of an attorney isn’t just to memorize cases and statutes. We have to apply them creatively and methodologically. And that doesn’t come without years of training and actual practice, i.e. experience.

ChatGPT doesn’t have that. It lacks the ability to analyze complex legal issues, interpret legal documents and regulations, and apply them to specific cases. It doesn’t have the life experience that attorneys, and humans, do. It can mimic our behavior, compile data, but it just can’t think for itself and make decisions.

Moreover, just like any other serious profession, attorneys are wired to think differently from the general public.

There’s been so many times where I can personally recognize the difference between how I would approach a situation prior to being an attorney versus my approach now. It’s interesting and almost shocking, and I’m sure sometimes annoying to the general public (lol). For example, when I get a contract — even the lengthy terms and conditions from Apple — I start itching to read it. It almost hurts to blindly sign without reading them. It goes against everything I and my fellow attorneys was taught in law school.

ChatGPT is unable to apply past experiences and connect with texts in this manner. Sure, it can read the terms and conditions, but is it truly able to understand all of the consequences and real world applications of it? Likely not.

3. No Personalized Guidance

As you can imagine, every legal case is unique, and thus requires an examination of very specific factors in order to provide adequate legal counsel.

ChatGPT provides at most generic responses based on the input it receives. And because clients do not always understand what would be legally relevant or irrelevant to their case, this input can already come at a disadvantaged.

Attorneys work closely with their clients to understand their specific situation, provide tailored legal advice, and represent them in court if necessary.

Attorneys provide a human touch and can empathize with their clients, which ChatGPT cannot do.

Many of the public are already apprehensive of a robot driving their car and self-driving cars, I would imagine they would be even more worried leaving their life and fate in the hands of AI in a high-stakes criminal court proceeding.

Clients want to connect with their attorney. They want to look them in their eye and know that they’re fighting for them as if it was their own person or a loved one’s life on the line. AI is totally incapable of providing that necessary empathy and conveying that confidence to a client.

4. Limited Scope

While ChatGPT can provide answers to general legal questions, it has a limited scope. As mentioned previously, it cannot provide assistance with specific legal issues nor can it represent clients in court.

And that’s likely not change anytime soon! The legal system is VERY slow to change, almost resistant. As society continues to advance, the judicial system is still struggling o catch up.

Turn on the news and you’re bound to hear some strange takes on social media apps, like Facebook and Tiktok, from policy makers and officials. It’s no secret that many of these officials have no clue about these new tools and youth culture. So it’s definitely going to take some time before we see an AI even granted a license to practice to law.

Attorneys, on the other hand, can provide legal representation in a wide range of legal matters, including intellectual property, criminal defense, personal injury, family law, immigration, and many more. As most attorneys do take the traditional route to become a part of this profession, we must undergo 4 years of college, 3 years of law school, a state-specific bar (“the baby bar”), the elusive, bar exam, and a character & fitness test before we are provided with a license to practice. And to keep that license we must continue to seek legal education in the form of CLEs and report that we have done so.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy

Legal matters can be extremely sensitive, and clients need to feel comfortable sharing their personal information and legal issues. As ChatGPT is a machine, clients may rightfully not feel comfortable sharing their confidential information with it.

Attorneys, on the other hand, are bound by strict confidentiality rules and can provide a safe and secure environment for their clients. Attorney-client privilege is one of the hallmarks of our profession. While your friend may not honor and protect your secrets, your attorney must.

Futhermore, the privacy rules of ChatGPT are still developing. As this is a new tool, ChatGPT is collecting and storing inputted data to learn more about us and the world. The creators want to learn how we interact with the tool, any errors they may need to correct, and so much more. This data will be meticulously reviewed. That’s why ChatGPT warns users to not enter any confidential and private information that you wouldn’t want them or a stranger to know.

However, earlier this month, it was reported tht Samsung employees have unfortunately inputed sensitive information on at least 3 separate occasions, including, confidential, proprietary code into ChatGPT for corrections. Now the company is worried about their information is readily available to strangers on the other end. Read more in this article.

Similarly, clients should be concerned about inputting private, sensitive information or even “accidentlally” confessing to anything via ChatGPT. Just as your Internet search history can be subpoenaed, it may be the case that your ChatGPT history can be used against you in the future. Currently, the only way to remove this private information is to delete your account, which may take up to 4 weeks. And though ChatGPT is trained to decline inappropriate requests, I’m sure users may find ways to circumvent this machine and get the information they need. So maybe they can get around ChatGPT’s “training”, but they may not be able to circumvent the law. It’s best to avoid ChatGPT if privacy is a concern.

Predictions & Conclusion

In conclusion, while ChatGPT is truly a fascinating technology that can provide some insight and answers to general legal questions, it can by no means replace the expertise, guidance, and personalized attention of an attorney.

Legal matters are complex and require human interaction, understanding, and empathy. That’s why it is not only essential to seek the help of a qualified attorney for legal advice and representation, but also, I disagree that my career or any other consultant-like career is in jeopardy with the introduction of this technology. People want to trust and consult with people, not robots.

On the other hand, I do believe that AI is going to change the world! I can definitely imagine certain careers being transformed in the near future — especially those jobs that focus heavily on journalism. I imagine that companies will still hire writers, but their jobs may be restructured to work side by side with AI. And depending on how you view it, this could be a good or a bad thing. Maybe a writer will want a rough draft to help them get started, or maybe it’ll take away from the creative process of their job and other jobs. Only time will tell.

Need Help?

Looking for help from an experienced attorney? Whether about business formation, trademark and/or copyright registration, contract drafting and review, or other legal strategy, you’ve come to the right place.

Contact our Firm for help on your business journey! Talk to a human, not an AI.

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Trademark Management: Expert Tips for Safeguarding Your Business’ Most Valuable Asset Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:38:33 +0000

Your company’s trademark is one of your most valuable assets!

It’s what sets you apart from your competitors, builds brand recognition and trust, and is a crucial component of your marketing strategy. That’s why it’s essential to have a solid trademark management plan in place to ensure that you protect and maintain the value of your trademarks.

In today’s post, we’ll be sharing some tips to help you safeguard your business’ most valuable asset aka trademark.

1. Conduct a comprehensive trademark search

Before you start using a trademark, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that your trademark doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.

A trademark search is an essential step in the process of trademark management!

Trademark attorneys have access to powerful algorithms that allow us to conduct an extensive search for any proposed business name, logo, slogan, etc. via U.S. Federal trademark registrations, state trademark registrations, business entity formations, domain name registrations, web results, social media, and more.

When conducting a search, we examine conflicting marks or names with phonetic variations, separation of words, translations, plurals, reversed words, misspellings, synonyms, and more. Because all of these factors should be weighed and considered when deciding to build and invest in your trademark.

If there are many competitors with a “confusingly similar” mark to yours, you can expect to spend more money on marketing and SEO efforts to stand out among them. This is information you should know prior to investing too much into your trademark and brand.

2. Register your trademark

Once your trademark has been cleared for use, it’s important to register it with the appropriate government agencies.

By registering your trademark, you secure legal protection and exclusive rights to use your trademark in connection with your products or services across the country. This means that others are prohibited from using your trademark or a similar mark in a way that could cause confusion or deceive consumers.

In the US, businesses should file their application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The registration process involves submitting an application that includes a description of the goods or services associated with the trademark, a specimen showing how the trademark is being used, and the appropriate filing fees.

The USPTO will then examine your application to ensure that your trademark meets certain requirements, including that it is distinctive and not confusingly similar to an existing trademark. If the USPTO approves your application, your trademark will be published in the Official Gazette for a period of 30 days (“Publication Period“) , and a certificate of registration will be issued.

Once issued, you must renew your trademark within the first 5-6 years post-registration with a declaration of continued use, and every 10 years post-registration to maintain your trademark. Failure to file these renewal documents will result in the loss of your trademark rights.

3. Renew your trademark

Your trademark will last indefinitely as long as you continue to use it properly AND file the necessary renewal documents to maintain it.

Remember: Once registered, you must renew your trademark within the first 5-6 years post-registration with a declaration of continued use, and every 10 years post-registration date to maintain your trademark’s active status. Failure to file these renewal documents will result in the loss of your trademark rights.

So it’s extremely important to keep track of renewal dates and to submit renewal applications in a timely manner to avoid losing your trademark rights and all the time and hard work put into securing your certificate in the first place.

4. Maintain accurate records

Maintaining accurate records of all trademarks in your portfolio is essential for effective trademark management. This includes keeping track of registration dates, renewal dates, and any changes to the trademark or its use.

You should keep copies of all relevant documentation, including registration certificates and trademark licenses. An organized system for keeping track of your trademarks can help you manage your portfolio more effectively and make it easier to enforce your rights if necessary.

5. Monitor your trademark

After your trademark has been registered, you are expected to actively protect and enforce your trademark rights to maintain their value and prevent others from diluting or infringing on your brand. Monitoring your trademark is how you do so.

Regular monitoring of your trademark ensures that your mark is being used in accordance with its registration and helps identify any potential infringing uses.

As a trademark holder, you should perform regularly scheduled monitoring of your mark(s) online, offline, and especially via USPTO. And with a trademark monitoring service, like our Firm’s, you can monitor easily. Our Firm uses trademark monitoring software to scan the internet for unauthorized use of your trademarks on a routine basis, helping you identify potential issues early on and take action before they become bigger problems.

If interested, you should book a Trademark Discovery Call to learn more about this service.

6. Enforce your trademark

Enforcing your trademark is essential to maintaining its value and preventing others from infringing upon your rights.

Methods of enforcement include sending cease and desist letters and/or letters of protest, filing infringement lawsuits, and even engaging in alternative dispute resolution methods, such as, mediation or arbitration.

It’s important to act quickly if you believe your trademark rights are being violated! Delaying enforcement can weaken your position and make it more difficult to protect your trademark! You can check out this blog post for more on what to do if your mark is being infringed.

7. Educate your employees

In addition to hiring a trademark monitoring services, educating your employees about trademark protection and the proper use of trademarks can help prevent unintentional infringement and ensure that your trademarks are used consistently and effectively.

As we mentioned before, your employees should be familiar with your trademark portfolio, understand the importance of protecting the company’s trademarks, and be familiar with your trademark policies and guidelines.

Consistent use of your trademarks can help build brand recognition and prevent confusion among customers.

Think you’re ready for trademark registration? Take our quiz and find out!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, effective trademark management requires careful planning and execution of best practices. The hard work doesn’t stop at the end registration process! If you’ve gone through the money, time, and effort into registering a trademark and creating a brand behind it, you should be proactive and diligent in your protection of it.

Contact our Firm for help on your trademark journey! Whether you’re now getting started or need help enforcing your rights, JNJ Legal can surely assist!

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Trademark Hack: Keep Your Brand Fresh and Safe from Copycats! Tue, 11 Apr 2023 01:59:45 +0000

If you own a trademark, it’s essential to protect it from infringement!

Not only is it personally offensive, but trademark infringement can hurt your business in many ways, including damaging your reputation, reducing your sales, and causing a variety of legal issues.

In today’s post, we’ll be exploring how to protect your trademark and what you should do if your trademark is being copied by a competitor!

What Is Trademark Infringement?

As defined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), “trademark infringement” is the “unauthorized use of a trademark on or in connection with goods and/or services in a way that is likely to cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goods and/or services”.

To put simply, trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark that is similar or identical to your trademark without your permission.

This manner of infringement can take different forms, but is generally, when someone uses a mark in a way that could create confusion with your trademark or “dilute” your mark’s distinctiveness, as was alleged in the recent case of Chipotle v Sweetgreen, regarding Sweetgreen’s new “Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl”, later renamed the “Chicken + Chipotle Peppers Bowl”.

Essentially, trademark infringement can arise when there is a similar brand name, product name, logo, slogan, or other source-identifying mark. And it can also occur both online or offline, in advertising, marketing, and/or sales.

The Impact of Trademark Infringement

When trademark infringement occurs, a business can be serverly impacted in various ways.

First and foremost, it can cause confusion among consumers, which can damage the reputation and goodwill of the business.

If consumers are unable to distinguish between the original trademark and the infringing trademark, they may end up purchasing products or services that are of inferior quality or have no connection to the original brand, leading to a loss of sales and customer loyalty.

Moreover, trademark infringement can also impact a business’ ability to expand its brand and product offerings.

When a third party uses a trademark that is similar or identical to the original trademark, it can create confusion in the marketplace and make it harder for the business to build brand awareness and recognition. This can hinder the business’s ability to enter new markets, launch new products, or engage in strategic partnerships or collaborations.

Lastly, in addition to these tangible impacts, trademark infringement can also have intangible effects on a business’s reputation and brand identity.

If a business fails to protect its trademark, it may be perceived as weak or ineffective in the eyes of consumers, competitors, and other stakeholders. This can damage the business’s reputation and make it harder to attract and retain customers, investors, and other key partners.

Overall, trademark infringement can have significant negative consequences for a business and its bottom line.

How To Protect Your Trademark

Now that we’ve defined trademark infringement and discussed the potential impact on your business, here are some steps you can take to protect your trademark:

1. Register your trademark

This goes without saying, but the absolute best way to protect your trademark is to register it with the appropriate government agency. In the United States, you should register your trademark with the USPTO.

Registering your trademark gives you legal rights to use the trademark in commerce across the country and helps you protect your mark from infringement.

2. Use your trademark correctly

Always use your trademark consistently and correctly! Your trademark should be used as a “source identifier” only, and not as a verb or common noun. This will help establish your trademark as a distinct identifier of your products or services.

3. Monitor your trademark

Keep a diligent eye on the marketplace (online, offline, and especially, the USPTO) to ensure that no one else is using a similar or identical trademark to yourself!

Create a regular and consistent schedule to search for infringers, whether you conduct this search weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc., OR hire a monitoring service, like ours, to handle this for you!

Trademark law requires that all trademark holders “police” aka montior their trademark against misuse and infringement or else, risk cancellation of their mark.

Many entrepreneurs do not realize that a registration certificate prevents against some future conflicts, but it does NOT prevent against all.

For example: a USPTO Examiner may issue an Office Action that blocks a “confusingly similar” trademark to your own from proceeding to registration. However, your competitor still has an opportunity to overcome this Office Action if they submit a strong enough response that adequately addresses the Examiner’s concerns. And because this process is subject to human error, there may be conflicts  and other factors out there that USPTO Examiners miss for a variety of reasons we can’t control. Very commonly, there are cultural issues that can be missed and lost in translation.

So, it is your responsibility to ensure that no other business or individual uses a similar or idential trademark to your own without permission or registers a “confusingly similar” trademark that would weaken the strength of yours.

In the above scenario, you would want to oppose the registration of that mark during its Publication Period (the 30-day period where the public can oppose the registration of a trademark for good cause). But if you’re not monitoring your mark properly, you can miss this crucial window!

After all, the USPTO will NOT notify you of any copycats or “confusingly similar” trademark applications that make their way to Publication! And you don’t want to miss this window as doing so will result in more legal fees and headache.

That’s why our Firm offers a trademark monitoring service to help you with policing your mark post-registration. That way you can always get ahead of any potential issue! We’ll search for conflicting brands and marks across the USPTO, state registrations, domain name registrations, Google, social media, and more on a consistent scheduled basis (either monthly or quarterly). If interested, you should book a Trademark Discovery Call to learn more about this service.

Failing to adequately monitor your trademark can result in harm to your business’ reputation (inferior knock-offs, for example), decline in profit, and potential cancellation of your trademark!

4. Educate your employees

Familiarize your employees with your business’ trademark portfolio! You should make sure that your employees understand the importance of your trademarks and steps that they can take to protect them, as well as, train them to recognize potential trademark infringement and to report it to you immediately.

5. Be Proactive!

It’s best that you register your mark as soon as possible! You don’t want to wait for someone to infringe on your trademark before you finally protect what’s rightfully yours! It’ll be A LOT more stressful then. Be proactive and take steps to protect your brand and mark before any problems arise. 

What If My Trademark is Infringed?

Firstly, we’re sorry to hear that has happened to you. Infringement is such a yucky feeling. If you discover that someone has infringed on your trademark, here are some of the steps you should take:

1. Collect Evidence

Monitor the infringing party’s activities, and collect and document evidence of infringement.

When collecting evidence, especially screenshots, make sure the evidence includes dates and times somewhere on the page. You can opt to save website pages as PDFs for proper timestamps. And for Apple users, be sure to set the date and time to show up on your desktop’s toolbar. Timestamps always come in handy!

2. Making Contact with the Infringer

If you have in fact registered your trademark, you can send a cease and desist letter to the person or company that is infringing on your mark. This letter should demand that they stop using your trademark immediately.

Our Firm can provide you with an editable cease and desist template, or draft a customized cease and desist letter to send on your behalf.

However, if you have not registered your trademark, then your next course of action is to obtain legal counsel! DO NOT CONTACT THE INFRINGER!!

More often than not, you will make the situation worse!

Cease and desist letters are most effective when/if you have a registered trademark. Sending one without having obtained an official registration is almost like an empty threat.

And even if you have filed your trademark, you should still not send a cease and desist letter until your mark is officially registered! You don’t want to encourage the infringer to find ways to block/”oppose” your application, like during your mark’s Publication Period. You want to be completely finished with registration process, with certificate in hand!

Furthermore, conversations between opposing parties over infringement often become particulary tense! A common mistake we find is that as tempers rise, the conversation quickly turns into threats of legal action. Without realizing, you can in fact encourage the other party to take legal steps that they were not even considering, like filing a trademark application!

And once that application is filed by your infringer, you can reasonably expect $10,000+ in legal fees and potential litigation to fight for your trademark rights!

Keep in mind: Though you may be the originator of the trademark, filing your application after your infringer will not sufficiently fix this problem. The USPTO processes and examines applications in the order that they are received. So unless there are previously registered or previously filed applications in conflict with your opponent’s trademark application, your subsequent application will not be reviewed or considered in the examination of your infringer’s. At that point, you’ll need to have a conversation with a licensed trademark attorney immediately to discuss your next steps if you wish to fight for your mark!

Need Some Help?

Trademark infringement is terrible! If you find yourself in this predicament, we sincerely empathize with you. We know, personally, how frustrated you must feel. If you need legal assistance, please book a Trademark Discovery Call below.

3. Filing a Lawsuit

If an infringing party refuses to stop using your registered trademark after receiving a cease and desist letter, you may need to consider mediation or arbitration to resolve the dispute, or filing a lawsuit to protect your interests.

Mediation and arbitration can be less costly and less time-consuming than going to court, and can help you reach a resolution with the infringing party. However, whether mediation or litigation is the best course of action should be decided between you and your attorney.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, protecting your trademark is crucial to the success of your business! By registering your trademark and taking proactive steps to protect it, you can minimize the risk of infringement!

All entrepreneurs and businesses can benefit from trademark monitoring services, and should be setting aside a budget for brand protection!

That way if your trademark is ever infringed, you’ll be better prepared to take action quickly to protect your legal rights and your business!

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“Buy Now, Pay Later” Legal Services Tue, 21 Jun 2022 17:05:34 +0000

One of the biggest concerns for entrepreneurs is finances. And we get it. Money or lack thereof is the cause of so many business problems.

Money can be the deciding factor between being proactive or procrastinating and praying for the best. 👀

That’s why our Firm is happy to announce that we have partnered with financial institution, LawPay Client Credit (powered through Affirm) to provide our clients with Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) legal services.

Finally an easier way to pay for legal services!

Subject to your eligibility, this provider will cover 100% of your package to be repaid monthly with zero to little interest!

LawPay ClientCredit + Affirm

LawPay ClientCredit is a brand new – and the first of it’s kind – BNPL provider specifically for legal services! You can split invoices into 3, 6, 12, 18, or even 24 months!

You can learn more about LawPay ClientCredit here.

*Payment option through Affirm are provided by these lending partners:
Too often, entrepreneurs let “price point” scare them from taking action and doing what’s right for their business, essentially leaving these business owners in a far more vulnerable or worse position. It is our hope that these flexible payment options help entrepreneurs at all stages of business feel more comfortable with adding “legal” to their business’ budget.

We’re so excited to continue helping entrepreneurs build and protect their passion with less of the financial demand!

If you’re ready to take advantage of this special opportunity, schedule a discovery call with us today for your legal solution! Your business is waiting…

POP QUIZ: Is Your Brand Name Trademark Ready?

Put your brand name, product name, course, event, conference, etc. to the test!

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